Misri Khan
Year: 2010
Nationality: Pakistan
Killed by: Political Group
Location: Hangu, Pakistan
Press organization: Ausaf and Mashriq
What's Misri Khan's story?
Khan, a newspaper reporter and head of the local journalistsassociation, was shot several times as he entered the press club building inHangu, near the border with Afghanistan, according to news reports and thePakistan Federal Union of Journalists. Shahid Sabir, news editor for theUrdu-language daily Ausaf, said two or more assailants had apparently beenlying in wait. Khan was a reporter for Ausaf, as well as Mashriq, an Urdu-languagedaily published in Peshawar, provincial capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Khan wasalso president of the Hangu Union of Journalists.
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