Abdul Haq Baloch

Year: 2012

Nationality: Pakistan

Killed by: Political Group

Location: Khuzdar, Pakistan

Press organization: ARY Television

What's Abdul Haq Baloch's story?

Unidentified assailants shot Haq as he was leaving the KhuzdarPress Club in the city of Khuzdar in Baluchistan province. Haq was thesecretary-general of the press club and a longtime local correspondent for ARYTelevision. ARY Television said it was not aware of any threats directedat Haq. But Hamid Mir, a prominent Pakistani journalist, wrote after Haq’sdeath that the journalist had been threatened by the Baluch Musalah Diffa Army(BMDA, or the Armed Baluch Defense) in November 2011 and had subsequently beennamed on a hit list issued by a BMDA spokesman.

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