Sajid Tanoli

Year: 2004

Nationality: Pakistan

Killed by: Government Officials

Location: Mansehra, Pakistan

Press organization: Shumal

What's Sajid Tanoli's story?

Tanoli, 35, a reporter with the regional Urdu-language dailyShumal, was killed in the town of Mansehra in Pakistan’s North West FrontierProvince, which is now known as Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Tanoli was stopped on ahighway, dragged from his car, and shot several times, the official AssociatedPress of Pakistan reported. Tanoli had written critical stories about the head of thelocal government, Khalid Javed, including a piece published three days beforehis murder that accused the official of involvement in an illegal liquorbusiness, news reports said. Police filed murder charges against Javed,prompting the official to flee, according to news reports. Although Javedeventually returned, the murder charges were never revived, according to KiranNazish, a journalist who has studied anti-press attacks in Pakistan.

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