A larger share of President Joe Biden’s nominees to the district and appeals courts are non-white, in comparison to his predecessors.

This chart shows judges appointed by the last three U.S. presidents to the district and appeals courts.

By Aadit Tambe

Barack Obama 248

392 White

Donald J. Trump 218

43 Hispanic

35 Asian American

17 Two or more races

2 American Indian

Joseph R. Biden 42

19 African American

Source: Federal Judicial Center. Note: Data shows judges appointed during Obama and Trump’s full term and Biden’s first year in office.

A larger share of President Joe Biden’s nominees to the district and appeals courts are non-white, in comparison to his predecessors.

This chart shows judges appointed by the last three U.S. presidents to the district and appeals courts.

By Aadit Tambe

Barack Obama 248

392 White

Donald J. Trump 218

43 Hispanic

35 Asian American

17 Two or more races

2 American Indian

Joseph R. Biden 42

19 African American

Source: Federal Judicial Center. Note: Data shows judges appointed during Obama and Trump’s full term and Biden’s first year in office.